Panchkarma Chikitsa

What is Panchkarma?

Panchkarma, Pancha means five and karma means actions or treatments So Panchkarma is a special therapeutic procedure in Ayurveda, involving five types of evacuating treatment which leads to detoxification of the body and strengthening of the immune system, thus, restoring balance and well-being with resultant rejuvenation.


Ayurved deals with the preventive and curative aspects of health.

Panchakarma therapies are popular in the field of Ayurvedic disease management as well as prevention of diseases. Though their effect and safety is well established by the evidence of experiences since many centuries.

This therapy restores balance with natural law to maintain the equilibrium of doshas and stabilize the internal milieu of body.

Panchakarma helps to eliminates toxins in a more stable way, allowing healing of tissues, cleaning of srotas (channels), improving digestion and mental functions.

Panchakarma a specialty of Ayurved with specially designed five procedures of internal purification of the body through the nearest possible route.

Panchakarma therapy is not only for diseased person it can also be administered to a normal person to prevent diseases and keep his body healthy. Therefore it is an important therapy for maintaining the health of individuals and also regulates with imbalance doshas to cure the diseases.

The word ‘Panchakarma’ means five karmas. The “Pancha” word is a symbol of blessing of the god called “Mangalam” and this represents that all the procedures of treatment should requires the presence of god. There is reference that all constituent of universe forms body or Pancha mahabhuta are main constituents of the body. All living and non-living things are a combination of panchabhuta (prithvi, apa, thejas, vayu, akasa).

To regulate the living body, Acharyasconcisedpanchabhutas into tri doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) and therefore the main aim of treatment is to stabilize the equilibrium among these doshas.

‘Karma’ word may be defined as method, procedures, techniques etc. Here it can be describe as procedures of treatment and preventive measures.

According to Ayurveda, vyadhi has been defined as the state in which both the body and mind are subjected to pain and misery. This is the state of imbalance of three doshas. The measures undertaken to restore the doshika equilibrium is called chikitsa. In Ayurveda, chikitsa has been broadly classified into two groups:

  1. Shamana: The treatment, which doesn’t eliminate the Doshas or elevate those, which are in normal condition but tries to bring equilibrium in the imbalanced doshas, is called as “Shamana”. It may be done in seven ways

 1) Pachana 2) Deepana 3) Kshudha 4) Trushna 5) Vyayama 6) Aatapa 7) Maruta

  1. Shodhana: The treatment through which increased doshas are eliminated from the body is referred to as “Shodhana’’. Five types of Shodhana:

1) Vaman 2) Virechana 3) Basti 4) Nasya 5) Raktamokshan

Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis):

It is a process in which vitiated doshas (Bio-humor) are expelled through the upper route, i.e. mouth.
When there is congestion in the lungs causing repeated attacks of bronchitis, cold, cough or asthma, the ayurvedic treatment is therapeutic vomiting, to eliminate the Kapha. Therapeutic vomiting is mainly indicated in chronic asthma, chronic sinusitis, and skin diseases involving upper part of body, diabetes, chronic cold, lymphatic congestion, chronic indigestion, and edema.

Virechana (Purgation Therapy):

The procedure in which, the elimination of morbid doshas (Bio-humor) occurs through the lower part / anal route is known as Virechana
When excess Pitta is accumulated in the gall bladder, liver, and small intestine, it tends to result in rashes, skin inflammation, acne, chronic recurrent fever, biliary vomiting, nausea, and jaundice. Ayurvedic literature suggests in these conditions the administration of therapeutic purgation.

Basti (Enema Therapy):

The procedure in which, formulation administered through rectal canal reaches up to the small intestine and disintegrates the accumulated doshas (Biohumor) and stool, spreads the unctuousness (potency of the drugs) all over the body and easily comes out along with the stool and doshas is called Basti.
Vata is the main factor involved in pathogenesis (disease). If one can control Vata through the use of Basti, then it is easier to treat the root cause of the vast majority of diseases. Vata is the motive force behind the elimination and retention of feces, urine, bile and other excreta. Vata is mainly located in the large intestine, but bone tissue (AsthiDhatu) is also a site for Vata. Hence the medication administered rectally affects AsthiDhatu. The mucus membrane of the colon is related to the bone tissues.

Nasya (Administration of medicines through Nasal route):

The procedure in which, the medicated oil are administered through nose to eliminate the vitiated doshas situated in head is known as Nasya.
Nose is the gateway of the brain. An excess of doshas accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose, or head areas is eliminated through the nose.

Raktamokshan (Bloodletting):

Raktamokshan is a unique procedure specially performed in disease due to Pitta and Raktadushti. Raktamokshan is carried out in various ways but the most common techniques used are application of Leeches and bloodletting with syringe.
Leeches suck impure blood from our body and are usually helpful in localized area. It reduces pain and swelling in joint pain, localized skin diseases, cracked heels,varicose veins, etc.
Bloodletting through syringe is effective in generalized body ailments like Hypertension, Large area of varicose veins, Vitiligo, severe Headache etc.

Utility of Panchakarma:

Panchakarma is a very unique therapeutic procedure, because of its preventive, promotive, prophylactic and rejuvenating properties.
They form a part in the regimen of preventive medicine (SvasthVritta) indicated as prophylactic measures in the context of epidemics and pan epidemics.
All diseases occur due to suppression and forceful expulsion of natural urges. Panchakarma is the best treatment for the diseases caused by suppression natural urges (Vega Daharana).
Vatanulomana is the prime line of treatment for disease due to suppression of urges and Basti is best treatment among Vatanulomana therapies. These measures are indicated as preparatory procedures before the administration of rejuvenation therapy (Rasayana) & aphrodisiac therapy (Vajikarana).

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