Our Specialities

Experience the Power Panchkarma Procedures With Us

panchkarma grossly means 5 procedures (karmas) and deeply means diffrent type of micro and macro procedures done for detoxification, nurishment, rejuvenation accroding to age, disease, season.
panchkarma is done in healthy individuals to prevent future disease via detoxification process.
panchkarma is done in healthy persons to rejuvenate body.

panchkarma is done in diseased persons to make he or she disease free via detoxification and nurishment process.

panchkarma is too much effective in diffrent disease of body and mind like osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc problems, brain atrophy, insomnia, epilepsy, psoriasis, sterility.

Our Mission


We are committed to convince that only Ayurvada can achieve holistic health locally,nationally and globally


We do and encourage people for having botanical garden as per Ayurveda and plant which dose not only beneficial to anyone's healt but equally for the environment


Integrate Yoga, Healthy Life style,Yoga, & Medication, diet and Panchkarma for Full detoxination and rejuvenation of All Mankind


Now-a-days Root for most of the disease is due to unhealthy lifestyle and food cutivated with the help of chemicals and pesticides, we have mission or promote "Gau Aadharit Krishi" which is just not good for our physical health but also for mental health and prevent many life threating diseases.


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